There are also references to third-party businesses or services in the content posted on the website. The company is clear that they under no circumstances abide by or endorse any accusations made by third parties. Furthermore, the data shared from outside sources was not created or made by the business. Instead, the business simply distributes blogs and other material to assist users in making better decisions. The business retains complete control over how users utilize the website. Therefore, the company has no control over any problems a user may have while using the website. In addition, if the user is found to be in any way violating our terms of use, the company may suspend or terminate the user's access to the website or account credentials. The business values the privacy and information of all of its customers. We thus take the necessary steps to protect your information. With the exception of situations where the user has violated the terms of service or when the law is involved, the company never shares the information with a third party.